Latest Drone Gallery Courtesy of Chris Brookes Photography, Jersey

Dolmen de Monts Grantez, located in Jersey. This Neolithic passage grave was built around 6,000 years ago made of local granite and consists of a passage leading into an asymmetrical chamber with a single side chamber. It was known as Lé Cuex ès Faît’tchieaux due to the belief that it had been built by fairies or dwarfs.
The Dolmen is owned and maintained by the Société Jersiaise who excavated it in 1912. Seven skeletons (six adults and a child) were found in the chamber, all were in a crouched position, lying on their sides and accompanied by limpet shells, bones of cattle, deer, horse, pig and goat and small piles of brightly coloured pebbles. An eighth skeleton was buried in a seated position in the passage. Other finds include a variety of pottery vessels, including a miniature cup and perforated shallow saucer, stone implements and a spindle whirl.

La Câtel Fort located in Jersey. It was built 1780’s in order to defend Grève de Lecq Bay from French invasion, the fort was armed with three fearsome 32-pounder guns on traversing platforms. A detachment of 15 artillerymen and a sergeant were billeted in the guardhouse to help safeguard our coasts from an invasion.

The Chateau de Boussac in Creuse, France was rebuilt by Jean de Brosse (Joan of Arc’s companion) in the 14th century in order to replace the fortress the English destroyed during the Hundred Years War.
The castle was partially destroyed during the French Revolution. The keep, fortifications, the portal and the towers crenelated roofs were pulled down. The main building, however, escaped the dismantling. The arms of the Brosse Family also escaped destruction and still visible on the lintel of the main entrance. It is very impressive and worth a visit when visiting the area.A unique event brought fame to the Château in the years that followed. The writer George Sand and the inspector-General of Historical Monuments Prosper Mérimée discovered the Lady and the Unicorn tapestry in the castle. The Flanders tapestry is now exhibited in the Museum of the Middel Ages of Cluny in Paris.The castle serves an exhibition hall for many prestigious Aubusson tapestries designed by Jean Lurçat, Jean Picart le Doux and Dom Robert.The Chateau de Boussac was classified Historical Monument in 1930.
Photographer Chris Brookes Bio
I was born and grew up in Jersey, Channel Islands and fell in love with the beautiful, fascinating and thought provoking heritage and landscapes. I have always been a keen photographer, with a particular passion for landscape photography, as well as flying UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), since 2013. I spotted an opportunity to take my passion into a new dimension, and Chris Brookes Aerial Photography got off the ground in July 2015.
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